For most of us, making decisions can be very difficult.
Making a decision means you are saying yes to one thing and no to countless of alternatives. Keeping the door open to the perception of unlimited choices usually ends up being unsatisfying, but it keeps the stress of making an actual decision at bay.
Making financial progress is only going to happen if you grow in the skill of decision making. Here’s a process you can use to make a hard decision:
Get the important facts. You do not need all the facts. A neurotic search for every last fact is a delay tactic. Aim for getting 80% of your facts straight. Waiting and searching for every last fact is a waste of time and energy.
Seek wise counsel. By all means, talk to people whom you respect and who have been through a similar situation, or who you simply regard as wise. In most cases, you don’t need to discuss a big decision with more than three people. Seeking more opinions than that is usually simply practicing procrastination.
Pray for courage. Ah, now here is the issue. Most of the time when someone comes to me with a worried look on their face, saying, “I just don’t know what to do,” they know exactly what to do.
They just don’t want to do it.
Courage is not the absence of anxiety when taking action. Courage is acting anyway.
When you are looking deeply within yourself for this kind of character, you’re going to have to tap into courage to make a hard decision. Because ultimately, you’ve got to…
Pull the trigger. Take the action. Quit the job. Fire the employee. Sell the house. Ask for the raise. Take the risk. Live your dream.
Is it time to quit, to move. to move on. to say yes or to just say no?
You know what to do. Make the decision.
Have courage.
Do it.